Marcia J. Griffin
President & CEO
“My life’s purpose is to financially enrich the lives of Ameri-can families by giving them the information, inspiration and motivation they need to sustain homeownership and life-long financial security.”
Marcia Griffin is on a mission to financially strengthen people and elevate homeownership success for people of color across Ameri-ca. As founder and president of HomeFree-USA, Marcia has helped thousands to save, keep and get more money through financial education and homeownership, which she feels is the key to long term wealth for all people. HomeFree-USA enjoys a re-markable 0% foreclosure rate among families that have participated in the organization’s pre- and post-purchase programs. Serving as a bridge between financial institutions and the com-munity, Marcia addresses the needs of homebuyers and homeowners with targeted educa-tion, distinctive marketing strategies and unique lender products.
A recognized homeownership expert and frequent guest speaker, Marcia serves on the Fred-die Mac Affordable Housing Advisory Committee, Office of the Comptroller of the Currencies (OCC) Project REACh Advisory Council, Ocwen Financial Community Advisory Council, Ameri-ca’s Homeowner Alliance, the Advisory Council of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Atlanta, the Mortgage Bankers Association’s Council, and the Rocket Mortgage Consumer Advisory Council.
Recently, HomeFree-USA launched the Center for Financial Advancement® at Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs). The goal is to expose students to new careers and to advance homeownership, financial independence, and a strong business success mindset as important goals for students, parents, faculty, and alumni. Most importantly, HomeFree-USA expands corporate diversity and aims to close the racial wealth gap through leadership jobs, financial education, homeownership, and small business growth in diverse communities.
Marcia is a tireless advocate for nonprofit leaders and for disadvantaged people everywhere. Under her leadership, HomeFree-USA funds and strengthens the capacity of 53 other nonprof-its that represent the interests of 6.3 million diverse families across the country.